Monday February 17th, 2025
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From Manhattan to New Cairo: Dumbo is a Journey in Sandwiches

These traditional baladi loaves just grew ears and flew all the way from under the Manhattan bridge to the suburbs of New Cairo.

Layla Raik

Somewhere in the dingy alleys of New York City, a Red Oak grew. This story does not chronicle the environmental wonder of a tree uprooted and still managing to survive - it tells the story of a team of Egyptian foodies who did just that.

Under the Manhattan bridge overpass, in an area called Dumbo, foodies Michael Girgis and Amir Andreous tied their wildest dreams to an arrow and shot it in the direction of every diasporic Egyptian and curious caucasian in the vicinity. Red Oak, their creation, sprouted with sumptuous Egyptian delicacies, like classic kofta and shrimp sandwiches, that enamoured guests with their simple, traditional charm.

From there, Dumbo made its way to its homeland, Egypt, to provide an unparalleled quality of the simple sandwiches we all love and yearn for, in the way we’re accustomed to.

“We make our delicacies in baladi and fino bread options because that’s the way we’re used to having them,” Michael Girgis, Dumbo’s co-founder, tells Scene Eats. “We’re unifying the two fronts of traditional sandwich lovers.”

Besides sandwiches, the spot also tackles more demanding issues, like all-consuming ravenousness. “The dumbo feast is Kofta sold by Kilo. It’s exactly what it sounds like: an adequately priced, phenomenal feast for the beastly.”

Up for a challenge? If, by some miracle, you managed to save some room for dessert, opt for the Dumbo bites, a delicate profiterole dessert served with Nutella or Lotus to seal the deal.

In solidarity with the people of Palestine, Dumbo is donating 10% of profits to the Egyptian Red Crescent.


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