Wednesday March 12th, 2025
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'Me & My Toddler' Is the Local Brand Making Sure You and Your Toddler Are Well Fed

Okay, parents and toddlers, now let's get in formation.

Staff Writer

Children must be fed food, it's just a fact of life and the basics of decent parenthood. How decent a parent do you want to be though on a scale of throwing a bunch of fried foods in the oven together and letting your kids go at it like pigs to a trough, to carefully curating a nutritious organic, gluten free meal plan that includes delicious kid-friendly desserts with none of the poisonous added preservatives or sugar levels that you can even cook with them? The scale should lean towards the latter, we'd hope.

Me & My Toddler was founded by Farah Attallah to do just that -- help parents get fed with their toddlers...duuh. On their page they have a huge variety of guilt free recipes from Italian chicken to cookie cake which have both text and video instructions, as well as also tonnes of health eating tips and they also create their own items available for delivery such as Toddler Healthy Muffins made from sweet potato & dates and vanilla with dark cocoa topping.

Okay, parents and toddlers, now let's get in formation because this brand is here to make sure both of y'all are fed and taken care of at all times. 



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