Never Worry About Your Fruits Going Bad with 'Frozen Fruits Garden'
Frozen Fruits Garden delivers everything from kiwis and prickly pears, to watermelons and pears - all frozen.
Offering endless opportunities for you to create any kind of fruity Frankenstein treat, Frozen Fruits Garden does one thing and one thing only: yes, you got it, frozen fruits. “But SceneEats, isn’t freshness paramount to any ingredient? Why would I want frozen fruits?” Good question, sport. Well, frozen fruit has any number of advantages in the kitchen and the freezing process doesn’t do anything to affect fruit’s benefits.
Frozen Fruit Garden’s selection goes beyond the usual frozen berries you’ll see in many supermarkets, for example. They offer everything from teen shoki, mango and watermelon, to kiwi, dates and pears. Just the unusualness of the selection opens up a whole host of doors. Of course, you can make ice-cream, sorbet or smoothies. But how about making a hearty fruit compote? Or adding a dash of flavour in a vinaigrette? Better yet, maybe a dash of flavour in your water? You could even just gnaw on a nice slice of frozen mango, because, well, why not?
Frozen mango from Frozen Fruits Garden
The clincher is, of course, that Frozen Fruits Garden delivers all of its icy goods straight to your door and offers its fruits in various set amounts. They even do massive packages that give you a little bit of everything.
You can browse and place your order via the Frozen Fruits Garden Facebook page, or through WhatsApp on +2 0112 495 4695. Brrrrrrr.
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