Thursday December 19th, 2024
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Nola Now Makes Pound Cake in Three Flavours

It’s been a nice run of uncovering your culinary capabilities in baking, but maybe it’s time to just outsource again.

Staff Writer

Whether you’re a novice cooker or a seasoned chef, nothing beats whipping up a humble pound cake to fulfil your sweet tooth cravings - and waste time while you're stuck at home. So with the ungodly number of weeks it has been since quarantine, you can hang up your apron if you’ve had enough of baking, because everyone’s favourite slippery slope into dessert bingeing, Nola, now does pound cakes.  

Making tea time even more swell and dainty, the cakes come in three flavours: vanilla, chocolate and orange. So yes, now is the time to dust off that tea set you thought you’d never used but your mum insisted on getting you anyway.

You can order your pound cake from Nola by calling 16714.


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