Saturday February 22nd, 2025
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Seven Fortunes Now Has Quarantine Brewing Kits for Caffeine Lovers

Everything is now DIY and nothing else mattered.

Staff Writer

Roses are red, violets are blue, DIY boxes from restaurants are a thing now. From burgers to pizzas and cookies -- you can literally make anything at home. When we say anything, we now also mean that you can brew your own coffee with this kit from Seven Fortunes. Yes, you’ve heard it. Because, how can you WFH (Work from Home, duuh) without your daily dose of some delish tasting and smelling coffee? That was a rhetorical question, do not answer it.

Okay so, this coffee house is taking care of all you caffeine monsters by spoiling you with some cool AF quarantine brewing kits. Yay or what? Besides the fact that you can literally order any type of coffee beans, you can make sure to get your hands on all the necessary items for your perfect cup of coffee through their website.

Oh, and don't worry. You don't have to be a barista. Seven Fortunes knows exactly that and they've got you covered. To make sure you know how to brew your coffee, they've launched a step-by-step guide to make your coffee only so much better. We have no choice but to stan tbh.


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