Thursday February 20th, 2025
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6 Spots That Deliver Chocolate Bouquets Because Flowers Are so 2000 and Late

It's going to be hard explaining to your partner that you ate their gift.

Staff Writer

The love season is here and everyone is is making plans for that perfect Valentine's evening. Whether your plans involve spending time with your partner or just hanging out and watching Netflix, it's important the everyone feels the love and spreads it. So, we did you the liberty of finding out the best way to do exactly that and that is with chocolate bouquets. Get ready for a night that starts with flowers and ends with chocolate-induced love rush. 

Sugar Gift

Roses are red and violets are not blue, chocolate is delicious and Sugar Gifts wraps it just for you.   

Location: Heliopolis


Despite the fact that we're not planning a wedding for V-Day, it was a delight when we realised that we don't have to get married to get a chocolate bouquet of roses and Ferrero Rocher.

Location: Alexandria 

Ba'eit El-Ward

Aya Zohny is woman who sells flowers. She also happens to be the woman who stole our hearts by piling Ferrero Rocher on top of a bouquet of red roses.

Location: Alexandria 


Aside from being the best gift shop in town, COW goes the extra mile and plants their Ferrors in the hearts of their blood red roses.

Location: Nasr City, Maadi

Candy Bouquet

Candy Bouquet covers their flower bouquets with enough candy and chocolate, that it could easily steal even a cupid's heart.

Location: Delivery Only 

Party Perfect

Party Perfect straight up ditches the flowers and wraps a whole bouquets of Snickers, cause we all know that you can't be yourself on that date when you're hungry.


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