Wednesday May 8th, 2024
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Leaven Are the Bakery Serving Sourdough Realness, Henny

Don't know what to have with your avocados and poached eggs? Sourdough bread! How should you eat your soup? Sourdough bread!! Everyone in your life has completely abandoned you and there's nothing left for you anymore? Sourdough bread is still here!!!

Staff Writer

Staying at home has got us trying so many new things and figuring out our hidden talents. To those who branched out to baking bread, you may have probably found out that the art of sourdough bread is not an easy one. Leaven Bakery, however, is here to change all of that so you don't have to worry about being in the kitchen ever again -- at least not because you're making sourdough. 

You probably did not know this fact but our new friends from Leaven enlightened us to the fact that sourdough bread is healthy AF because it's usually made with no sweeteners or oils. It contains mostly whole wheat flour and water, and its secret ingredient: live yeast cultures, which is the “thing” that gives it that well known tangy flavor. Not only does using live instead of dried yeast change the flavor, but it also means it stays fresh after being baked much longer than factory baked bread and doesn’t require any extra preservatives to ward off mold.

Now to get your hands on some of that sourdough heaven, all you need to do is hit them up on 01013226384 or DM them on their IG. For more options, you can just check out El Market in Maadi to get your sourdough game on. 



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