Raihan's Kitchen Is the New Brand Making Comfort Food Available at All Times
Vine leaves? Indian chicken butter? Pasta? Whatever it is, they have it.

There is nothing better than coming home to some freshly made comfort food from Mama, but sometimes Mama ain't got no time for you. Raihan's Kitchen, founded by talented chef and baker Mai Shahin, aims to provide a little respite for Mama in the kitchen by delivering delicious frozen comfort foods that take only 15 minutes to prepare -- from wara2 3enab and chicken panee, to manousha and lasagne, (Indian) butter chicken to chicken sweet & sour and the list goes on.
"We aim to help working moms and those who don't have time or effort to cook yet want to eat clean and tasty food," Shahin tells SceneEats.
Raihan's Kitchen also serves up scrumptious frozen desserts like cinnamon rolls with caramel icing and pecans. Each dish comes with an instruction manual on how to prepare them so maybe you can stop being so selfish and cook for mama yourself for once.
You can order from them by calling +2 0114 203 2020 because ain't nobody got time to leave the house and stuff.
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Feb 12, 2025