Saturday February 22nd, 2025
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Smoothie and Health Food Queens 'Glow' Revamp Their Weight Loss Programme

Just in time for salvaging our eating habits as 2020 draws to a close, health food experts Glow have revamped their weight loss programme and meal delivery service.

Staff Writer

If you’re trying to salvage your new year’s weight loss and healthy eating resolutions before the end of 2020, you’ll be glad to know that smoothie and health food experts ‘Glow’ have revamped their weight loss and meal delivery programme to include more of their yummy – and good for you – creations. Based on your subscription, the programme designs and delivery’s ready-to-eat meals to your home, all after and based on a consultation with Glow’s health coaches regarding weight loss goals, activity level, as well health ailments or food allergies you might have. The programme covers breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks, and you can choose the 5, 7, or 15 day programme, or however long you need.

The programme – which is completely plant-based – does not only focus on counting calories, but also makes it a point to only include well-balanced meals that taste good, is good for you and won’t harm your body, taking into consideration different lifestyles. The programme mainly provides your body with the opportunity to detox, with weight loss being a byproduct of that. Some of the additions to the programme includes several new snacks, immunity boosters like their apple ginger wonder, ginger lemon infusion, falafel and kale nutribowl, in addition to Glow’s new beetroot soup.

“What truly sets us apart as a brand is the fact that we use wholesome, fresh ingredients that are almost completely local and homegrown,” health couch and recipe developer Zeinab Shafei tells SceneEats (who, by the way, is the daughter of Glow co-founder Amina Rashad), “Our service is always punctual, very attentive and we continue to be extremely transparent with our customers on where our food is sourced from.” 

To find out more and subscribe to the weight loss programme, send Glow a DM at or visit the website at


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