Friday March 14th, 2025
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Maadi’s Ming & Tea: A Detailed Look at Their Extensive Boba Menu

The days of incomprehensibility are over. Know your boba.

Layla Raik

The well-traversed act of standing mouth-gaping unable to choose, nay, comprehend, a boba menu at our favourite authentic spots is pretty much a universal experience (or we’re just uneducated). Regardless, an explanation is very much due in regards to the plethora of flavours we seem to never understand, always reverting to the safe brown sugar boba (or taro if you’re a more seasoned connoisseur) but that are sure worth traversing.

For this reason, we ventured into the sweet bubbly embrace of Maadi boba spot Ming & Tea, in order to dive headfirst (or straw first, for the plot you know) into the world of flavour Ming & Tea encompasses.

As it turns out, the world is truly your tapioca at Ming & Tea. Anything you desire can come laden with fruity pearls or energised with an added shot of caffeine. Sugar levels can also be monitored, meaning those who joined the boba bike as a means to satiate their sweet tooth are welcome, and those who usually indulge in Americanos can also maintain their sour integrity. Ice cube count is closely observed as to not mould the drink into a watered-down afternoon snack and cup sizes come in large options for those seeking a sweeter ‘girl dinner’. 

This is hardly scratching the surface, though - click here to read our SceneEats-certified guide to Egypt’s best boba.


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