Monday March 24th, 2025
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'The Clean Bill' Will Juice You Up With All the Necessary Nutrients

Buhbye, Lizzo.

Scene Eats

Move over, Lizzo, someone else has arrived and their juice is lit. The Clean Bill of Health is the latest addition to Egypt’s juice world that has health fiends shook. The brand makes sure that it serves more than just bomb af juice, thanks to their website that comes with a health guide that ensures all customers get dem body nutrients.

“I was pescatarian for 12 years before I enthusiastically jumped into veganism which has been the case for the past five years. I was able to reach my health goal by resorting to natural nutrients which is how CBH came to be,” Alia Khattab, Founder of CBH, tells us SceneEats. “Our brand offers customised orders to fit everyone’s nutritional needs.”

CBH comes armed with every juice, detox shot, cleanse, basically anything you could think of to start living your best healthy life. All you have to do is get on that site and you’re sorted with a full customised pack made just for you. 


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