Saturday July 27th, 2024
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This Foul Cart in Benha Is Giving Free Food to Those Who Can't Afford It

Humanity might not be doomed after all. At least not in the capital of the Qalyubia governorate.

Staff Writer

We unfortunately live in a time where it's hard to believe that a random stranger could potentially be genuinely nice. We always like to assume that people won't go the extra miles. Which is why we mostly stick to the food; it's nice, delicious, comforting and won't stab you in the back. But there are some less fortunate folk out there who don't even have the luxury to enjoy food. And that is why we are more than happy to report that humanity has indeed came through. With someone nice enough to offer free food to those who need it.

Hesham of Hesham's Cart was a an average Joe, food-loving person who minds his own business while owning and managing a foul cart in Benha, until five months ago when he decided that a simple smile is a lot more valuable than money. He then decided to hang a sign that says: "Whoever doesn't have money can eat for free." He stayed true to his words, which helped feed many hungry civilians in the Qalyubia governorate. Hesham's generosity and his handful of yum sandwiches has truly given us hope that 2020 may not even be that bad. 


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