We’ve Found the Perfect Doohickey for Eating and Drinking at the Same Time
Not the hero we need, but the one we deserve.
Jun 15, 2020

You’re at the movie theatre (not now obviously, but in B.C. times: before corona, you know), and you’re hugging a big bucket of popcorn and keep maneuvering your elbows to reach for your drink at the same time. Or you’re just looking for an added convenience to have a meal in an all-in-one object. Enter: Crowny Cup.
The tool you never knew you needed, and we commend the brilliant minds that did think of it. And then made it. The doohickey can go on top of your drinks, with a bowl situated at the top where you can have your burgers, fries and all other sorts of food you can cram in there.
Why do you need it? You don’t. But you should definitely want it.
Follow them on Instagram for more info.
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