Sunday September 8th, 2024
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Everything You Need to Know About Al Guezira Plaza's Winter Market Happening This Weekend

Make sure to tag: #Enter_The_Christmas_Scene #Sleepless_City

Staff Writer

If you need inspiration for Christmas and New Year's gifts, Al Guezira Plaza's Winter Market in Sheikh Zayed has got you covered. Taking place through the weekend from the 26th to the 28th of December, all three days will have special features in store for you, including a live music performance by Marco Moheb and his band on Friday.

The bazaar - overflowing with food and drink vendors, local artisans, and homegrown brands - is among the many Christmas-themed features you'll find at the Al Guezira Plaza. Next to a huge Christmas tree and Santa Claus sleigh that make for a nice Insta-backdrop, you'll find a Light and Sound Show playing on the building facade!

The wide range of products you can find in the bazaar includes mobile accessories from Techstreet to jewellery and precious stones from Tamema and Takla. You'll even find a book store and publishing house called '3aseer El Kotob', literally translating to Book Juice. But for actual juice you can check out Shakes and Bakes, where they will also be serving up some of the best milkshakes and sugary treats this season.

With unique handmade crafts and gifts from Zoza, the top clothing and footwear brands available at Shop & Shop, and a 50% discount on all cosmetic products at Milva, the ladies in your life will be jumping with joy. Whether that lady is yourself, or any of the girls and women in your life, you're sure to love shopping there.

 With an abundance of goodies at Al Guezira Plaza, you'll definitely have your fill of the holiday cheer this weekend!


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