Saturday February 22nd, 2025
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Fit Kitchen Cuts Down on the Calories and None of the Flava

Pizzas and burgers are very much a diet meal with Cairo’s newest delivery service Fit Kitchen.

Staff Writer

Quarantine is slowly but surely withering away and needless to say our bellies have made an appearance. Pandemic-induced baking crazes and delivery orders have taken a toll on our waistlines, and although we are gorg in every size, we’d rather backtrack to our pre-Corona weight. Here to make that a little easier, Fit Kitchen is the new food delivery company making home-cooked meals that cut down on the calories, and none of the flava. 

Here’s how it works: you can order a la carte or you sign up for month-long daily deliveries of either one, two, or three meals with your choice of chicken or meat. 

Their menu ranges from pizzas, fish and shrimps, burgers, fajitas, shawarma, and a number of grilled sandwich options. It’s healthy food you won’t even notice isn’t fattening. In the words of Hannah Montana, you get the best of both worlds. 

To order, call +2 0105 0502 005 and kick your new lifestyle into action. 



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