Monday February 17th, 2025
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New Cairo's Sagra Joins Egypt's Neapolitan Pizza Revolution

Sagra, meaning ''festival'' in Italian, has joined the Neapolitan pizza revolution in the hopes of making people know what authentic Italian food is.

Staff Writer

Most people will tell you that Italian food is, indisputably, the best (c’ kind of is). However, the same people we're talking about (or some of them at least) are also often misled by Italian restaurants that aren’t truly authentic. Sagra, meaning ''festival'' in Italian, has joined the Neapolitan pizza revolution in the hopes of making people know what authentic Italian food is.

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The restaurant just opened up (like a-few-days-ago just opened) at the Drive by Waterway and they have, in those few days, caused a buzz that has made foodies' bellies growl in unison across Cairo! They serve Neapolitan pizza realness, yes, but they also happen to make pasta that is made fresh on the day. 

The New Cairo restaurant is among a few restaurants in the country that has been trying to make Neapolitan pizza great again, except they're not trying anymore.


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