Thursday March 6th, 2025
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6 Egyptian Frozen Food Brands That Will Help You Prepare for the Storm

Basic TV dinner has never looked so classy.

Staff Writer

Stock up guys- the storm is coming! With tomorrow being off everywhere in Egypt, the last thing you want is to be stuck inside your house with an empty fridge. We've curated a list of local ready-made frozen food brands that literally only needs to get heated. 

Olio Food

Nothing made me more excited than coming home to Olio's chicken strips that can be ready in, like, no time. Bring that excitement back and grab their frozen foods to prepare for the storm! You can find them at most local supermarkets such as Seuodi, Carrefour, and their main stores throughout Egypt. Guess what, they also deliver!

Food Swings

Kids meal? Check! "Adult" meal? Double check! This Egyptian store has kid-sized pizzas and pastas, and full-sized meals, frozen of course. Food Swings offers a variety of different foods tailoured specifically to your ATM mood; hence the name "Food Swings" ;). Unfortunately, they are not yet found in stores but you can order over the phone!

Zakuski Appetizers 

At Zakuski Appetizers, you literally can purchase a frozen gourmet three course-meal. Starting with a frozen appetiser, then to purchasing a frozen main course, and ending it with a frozen dessert. NOMNOMGOALS! An extra point goes to Zakuski for carrying frozen healthy items for you health conscious peeps! Located in the heart of Heliopolis, Zakuski will indeed cure your hangriness.


Everyone's favourite grocery store comes in major clutch by offering a huge variety of frozen foods. Literally having hundreds of options such as frozen soups, your mom's typical Egyptian home foods, Lebanese foods, and the list goes on!  All you have to do is heat it at home! If you're busy preparing for the storm and can't leave the house, don't worry, you can always order directly from their app.

N the Kitchen

This business is run by Instapreneurs that happened to be a family. Eating anything from N the Kitchen will taste exactly like that: family. They literally have all your fav Egyptian dishes -- from rokak to vine leaves, molokhia and all dem deliciousness. You can order through their Instagram page or buy their products straight away from Maadi's El Market.


There are two types of people in this world: people who likes pancakes and waffles, and people who are liars. You're obviously the former. What you obviously don't know, however, is that we have an Egyptian brand that makes exactly that. Not only can you buy their frozen pancakes and waffles from any Seoudi market across Cairo, but they've just launched their hawawshi products. You're welcome. 


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